When Does SPM Get Out of Prison? The Story of a Controversial Rapper

SPM, also known as South Park Mexican, is a rapper who rose to fame in the late 1990s and early 2000s with his catchy beats and raw lyrics. However, his career came to a halt in 2002 when he was convicted of sexually assaulting a 9-year-old girl and sentenced to 45 years in prison. Since

SPM, also known as South Park Mexican, is a rapper who rose to fame in the late 1990s and early 2000s with his catchy beats and raw lyrics. However, his career came to a halt in 2002 when he was convicted of sexually assaulting a 9-year-old girl and sentenced to 45 years in prison. Since then, his fans have been wondering when he will be released from prison and whether he will ever make music again. In this article, we will explore the details of SPM’s case, his current status, and his possible release date.

The Rise and Fall of SPM

SPM, whose real name is Carlos Coy, was born in Houston, Texas, in 1970. He grew up in the South Park neighborhood, which was known for its high crime rate and poverty. He started his musical career in 1994 as a Christian rapper, but soon switched to a more mainstream style that appealed to a wider audience. He founded his own record label, Dope House Records, in 1995 and released his debut album, Hillwood, that same year.

SPM quickly gained popularity in the Houston underground rap scene and beyond with his albums Hustle Town (1998), The 3rd Wish: To Rock the World (1999), Time Is Money (2000), and Never Change (2001). He collaborated with other famous artists such as UGK, Lil’ Keke, Baby Bash, and Z-Ro. He also received recognition from mainstream media outlets such as MTV, The Source, and Billboard. He was considered one of the most successful independent rappers in the industry.

However, SPM’s success was overshadowed by his legal troubles. In 2001, he was arrested for allegedly shooting a rival rapper named Coy Flores. He was released on bail but faced another charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. In 2002, he was accused of sexually abusing a 9-year-old girl who he had invited to his home to discuss the possibility of being in a music video. DNA evidence and testimony from the victim and her mother led to his conviction and sentencing to 45 years in prison.

SPM’s Life in Prison

SPM has been incarcerated since 2002 at the Ramsey Unit in Rosharon, Texas. He has maintained his innocence throughout his imprisonment and has filed several appeals to overturn his conviction. However, all of his appeals have been denied by the courts and he remains behind bars.

Despite being in prison, SPM has continued to release music with the help of his family and supporters. He has recorded and released several albums while incarcerated, such as When Devils Strike (2006), The Last Chair Violinist (2008), The Son of Norma (2014), Forty Eight (2016), and The Devil’s Mansion (2018). These albums have been well-received by his fans, who continue to support him and his music career.

SPM has also been involved in various programs and activities in prison, such as education, religion, sports, and art. He has earned several certificates and diplomas for completing courses in subjects such as business management, computer science, psychology, sociology, and Spanish. He has also participated in religious services and groups such as Catholic Mass, Bible study, Kairos Prison Ministry, and Toastmasters International. He has played soccer and basketball with other inmates and staff members. He has also created paintings and drawings that he has donated to charity auctions.

SPM’s Release Date

SPM’s release date from prison is not yet determined due to the length of his sentence and the nature of his crime. The earliest he could be released is in 2047 when he would have served 45 years in prison. However, it is possible that he could be granted parole before then, although given the severity of the crime, it seems unlikely.

According to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice website, SPM’s current parole eligibility date is October 7, 2024. This means that he could be considered for parole by the Board of Pardons and Paroles on or after that date. However, this does not guarantee that he will be released on parole. The board will review his case and decide whether he meets the criteria for parole based on factors such as his behavior in prison, his participation in programs and activities, his risk assessment score, his victim impact statement, and his parole plan.

If SPM is denied parole by the board, he will have to wait until his next parole review date to be reconsidered for parole. His parole review date is usually set one year after his parole eligibility date or after his last parole denial date. However, the board can also set a longer or shorter parole review date depending on the circumstances of each case.


SPM is a rapper who has been in prison since 2002 for sexually assaulting a 9-year-old girl. He was sentenced to 45 years in prison and is currently serving his time at the Ramsey Unit in Texas. He has continued to make music while in prison and has also engaged in various educational, religious, and recreational activities. He is eligible for parole in 2024, but his release date is uncertain and depends on the decision of the parole board. His case has been a controversial one, with some fans believing that he was wrongfully convicted and others calling for justice for the victim.


