Rachel Hollis to Fellow Stretch-Marked Moms: You Inspire Me!

As made clear in a photo that went viral last week,Rachel Hollis is proud of her stretch marks. But the 32-year old says shes even prouder of the positive effect shes had on women around the country.

Rachel Hollis to Fellow Stretch-Marked Moms: You Inspire Me!

As made clear in a photo that went viral last week, Rachel Hollis is proud of her stretch marks.

But the 32-year old says she’s even prouder of the positive effect she’s had on women around the country.

Hollis, whose stretch marks are on full display in the wildly Liked picture, has posted a video online in which she dismisses all credit for inspiring other mothers around the country.

She says they’ve inspired her with their responses to her viral image.

The footage features many pictures of mothers in bikinis, showing off their bodies with pride.

It also includes messages they shared with Hollis upon sending her these pictures or sharing them on social media.

"I wanted to have a chance to reach out to all these women who are posting photos, and I wanted to read some of the quotes that have been really meaningful and have really touched my heart, because I think that this needs to be celebrated," Hollis says.

"As much as I didn’t intend for this to become a movement, it has, and so I want to celebrate those women who are carrying that torch forward."

Hollis is a mother of three kids (ages 8, 6 and 2) and follow in the motivational footsteps of Carleigh O’Connell, a mother of five who also showed off her stretch marks in a viral snapshot last August.

#StopCensoringMotherhood Photos: Take This, Instagram!



Almeda Bohannan

Update: 2023-12-07

