Denise Frazier: Woman who was arrested for sex with dog twerked while sharing disturbing clip of pet

Warning: Graphic content, readers discretion advised. JONES COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI: Denise Frazier, the 19-year-old Mississippi teen who was arrested for filming herself having sex with a dog, reportedly shared a series of disturbing TikTok videos featuring her pets prior to her arrest. The teen was arrested on April 6 and charged with unnatural intercourse and aggravated

Warning: Graphic content, readers’ discretion advised.

JONES COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI: Denise Frazier, the 19-year-old Mississippi teen who was arrested for filming herself having sex with a dog, reportedly shared a series of disturbing TikTok videos featuring her pets prior to her arrest. The teen was arrested on April 6 and charged with unnatural intercourse and aggravated cruelty to an animal after posting "extremely graphic" clips on social media.

However, Frazier reportedly told authorities that she was “threatened to do it” and forced into the act by people who paid her to make pornographic videos, as per court documents obtained by The Laurel Leader Call. In the wake of her arrest, some old videos of Frazier along with her pets made the rounds on TikTok. One of the videos even showed the woman twerking toward the camera before displaying pictures of other puppies on the screen, the Daily Star reported.


Denise Frazier: Mississippi woman, 19, charged after filming herself having sex with a dog

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Denise Frazier shared unsettling videos of her dogs

In October 2022, Frazier uploaded a video containing combined pictures of a puppy and a bigger dog on TikTok. The latter was seen perched up on her bed in a handful of images. At one point in the video, the teen was reportedly seen twerking toward the camera before displaying photos of other puppies. Another video featuring two more puppies and an adult German shepherd, showed Frazier clutching a pile of $100 and $20 bills. The clip, containing a compilation of pictures and short footages, also showed the teen with a man before a snap that read “Happy Valentine’s Day.” The same video also had a frame displaying a female hand holding two sex toys.

Frazier last TikTok video was posted in February and showed her applying a filter to change her eye color. In the video the teen could be heard saying she “looks good” in blue eye color. Frazier also addressed the claims about her having sex with her dog in the middle of February. “For all those b*****s who has some nerve to say I f****d my dawg... like nah... the only dog I f****d is yo man, so stop saying it if it ain't true,” she wrote. “Only my true friends would stick up for me!! All I have to say is f**k y'all mfer!” Frazier added.

What are the latest developments made in the case?

A recent arrest affidavit obtained by The Laurel Leader Call stated that Frazier admitted to having intercourse with a male German shepherd in the video that led to her arrested but claimed she was forced into the action. “Frazier admitted she was the one in the video but stated she was forced to do it. There is no evidence of that claim, but we are investigating it,” Sergeant JD Carter of Jones County Sheriff’s Department told the outlet.

Cops also said that during her arrest the teen alleged that she had to have sex with the “service dog” against her will. Officials spotted two men at the Myrick home where Frazier was arrested but it was yet to be known if they were involved in the case, the New York Post noted. “So, right now, we’re still in that initial phase, right past the first part of it. But, we’re still going to look into it to see if there’s more,” Sgt JD Carter told WLBT. “We’ve never dealt with this particular type of case before. There are really no true words to describe it other than disgusting,” he added. A judge presiding over the case has reportedly set Frazier’s bond $25,000 and ordered her to stay away from animals.


